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Posted: useses Date: 21.06.2017

Eeveryone living in America today has a higher standard of living than the President and his family had 90 years ago. Authored by Nick Giambruno via InternationalMan. What exactly are Cultural Marxists, and how are they, and political correctness, contributing to the decline of Western Civilization? Economic Marxism was intellectually debunked decades ago. And that is reinforced by the ongoing disasters in Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela. Cultural Marxism, however, is just as destructive.

It divides people not into economic classes, but cultural classes. Undoubtedly one being discriminated against by white males who—not just coincidentally—are largely responsible for Western Civilization. I remember when I first heard the term used. At the time I thought it was a joke…. A word Cultural Marxists use a lot lately is diversity. It encourages them to view themselves not as individuals, but members of a group.

So it actually foments class warfare. Everyone should associate with whomever they like. People who use the State to impose their opinions on others, or approve of it, are essentially criminal personalities.

I avoid them at all costs. In fact, birds of a feather usually flock together. This is perfectly natural. If you want it in your club, fine.

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But freedom of association is far, far more important. I form my friendships based upon the character and the beliefs that a person has. The attributes that create diversity are stupid accidentals. The fact that diversity is emphasized draws attention to incidentals like race, sex, and gender, and diverts it from important things like character and beliefs.

Diversity has become destructive. They want to cause conflicts that work to destroy Western Civilization—which they also hate. How does the migrant crisis in Europe relate to all of this? With two big, critically important, caveats: In the absence of welfare benefits, immigrants are usually the best of people because you get mobile, aggressive, and opportunity-seeking people that want to leave a dead old culture for a vibrant new one. The millions of immigrants who came to the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries had zero in the way of state support.

But what is going on in Europe today is entirely different. When they arrive, they expect free food, shelter, clothing, and entertainment—totally unlike past immigrants. For the most part they are unskilled and poorly educated. Few of them will ever become self-supporting.

If you're an alien and you're 1 out of 10, or 1, oryou're a curiosity, an interesting outsider. But an influx of millions of migrants is only going to destroy the old culture, and guarantee antagonism—especially when the locals have to pay for it. The welfare state must be abolished, pulled out by its roots, and debunked intellectually and psychologically. If you want to help a deserving individual on your own, great.

But to make it part of the State is idiotic—except, of course, for politicians that need votes.

I recently read an article by arch-neocon Charles Krauthammer. I despise Krauthammer, and his ilk. But, that said, I believe he dislikes me much more than I do him.

His prescriptions are almost universally wrong-headed. Which is to be expected from a neocon, a fan of both the warfare state and the welfare state. He has a high IQ, but his ideas are quite stupid—if we define stupidity as an unwitting tendency to self-destruction. Bioethics is a phony science, recently concocted by people working for pharmaceutical companies, governments, and medical institutions looking for excuses to justify what they have already decided to do.

A bioethicist is someone who's supposed to determine the right and wrong of these things. Worse, they espouse policies with wide-reaching implications, almost universally wrong-headed and disastrous, which are a reeking part of the rotting fabric of what was once American society. But what really gets me about these bioethicists is that they are not technical experts contributing to debates among scientists—they're just a bunch of busybodies who want to tell everyone else what to do, based on their own opinions of morality and notions of political correctness.

This is especially dangerous, because people make decisions and act based on their ideas of what is right and wrong—on moral grounds. By setting themselves up as the great determiners of what is ethically correct, these supposed experts become a sort of new secular priesthood to guide us all.

They are generally sociopaths who want us to accept their statist, collectivist ethics, and thereby exert control over the direction of society, taking it down paths they deem best.

These so-called ethical experts insinuate themselves into the bureaucratic machinery of the State, into the flow of intellectual and academic debate, into the course material taught at universities, and they exert influence. From the beginning of the Dark Ages up until the early s, the Church of Rome was the arbiter of morality in the West; that was highly problematical, because it substituted the judgment of some priest for that of each individual.

It's one reason that the medieval era was so backward. Individual responsibility to understand ethics and act accordingly is a cornerstone of Western Civilization, going all the way back to the Greeks. Individual responsibility, rather than diffuse responsibility among classes of people, is a major reason for the individual accomplishments and innovations that led the West to global eminence.

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Bioethicists are trying to set themselves up as a new priesthood. If they succeed, it would reverse an essential element of Western thought. Can President Trump, or anyone, for that matter, reverse the decline of Western Civilization? Once an empire starts falling apart, trying to stop it is like trying to stop a tree from falling once its roots have rotted.

The Cultural Marxists and other enemies of Western Civilization are in total control of the education system, so the next several generations of young people are corrupted. They control the media, so they control the prevailing intellectual climate. Like Mussolini, to make the trains run on time, as it were. I always like to try to turn a lemon into lemonade.

That said, I like to do what I can. And that is as important, from a personal viewpoint, as anything in the world. We expect the fallout to be far worse than But Doug Casey and his team know how to turn it into huge profits. Click here to watch it. Non-White Migrants and the Catholic Church: The Politics of Penitence. I blame the decline of Christianity. After all, the rise of Christianity made Western Civilization possible.

When the moral and spiritual framework which produced Western Civilization is gone, the civilization itself will soon follow. And we are there, Western Civ is a zombie which is only kept animated through non-sustainable debt. If you are doing something wrong, like abusing the welfare system for example, guilty is what you ought to feel. If you are calling for the elimination of guilt you and the pyschopath banksters want the same kind of world.

Once a race becomes demoralized morals removedits demise is inevitable, as there is no glue holding it together, and worse, nothing left worth defending.

Dishonorable mention to Antonio Gramsci, a malconteded Marxist misfit who created the groundwork for cultural Marxism and the destruction of Western Civilization. Unlike the sleazy Bolsheviks and their parasitic paymasters who infested every level of Western governance, Gramsci understood that Western civilizaton was actually underpinned by its Christian roots, values, culture, and tradition.

More importantly, he understood the value of stealth, which is how the Frankfurt School and its founding perverts were able to do so much damage. Western Europe's technological-intellectual-artistic success France, England in particular rests entirely on the separation of Church and State, something that was emplaced solidly by the high middle ages 's.

By contrast - states that didn't adhere to this perspective Byzantium, for example stagnated. The muslim expansion had its high period right smack in the middle of darkest dark part of Europes's Dark age as caliphates that had relatively loose centrailized control.

In the end, however, all of those systems collapsed because Religion and State were not separate. To say Christianity made Western Civilization possible sort of takes things out of context.

Who is to say a muslim society cannot do the same one day? They've fucking themselves today, though. I have no idea where you are getting your information from. The idea of separation of church and state itself is a product of Christianity, in particular the Protestant reformation.

Your timeline is way wrong too. Martin Luther did not even come along until the 15thth century. If anyone is interested in a five minute article describing how the Judeo-Christian view of God produced Western Civiliazation's view of government then click here If Christianity has declined, it is more logical to conclude that the problem WAS Christianity.

Of course the entire control system bs forex Programed stock trading is designed to keep you from thinking that direction. To best risky stocks to buy it makes sense that there are as many layers of gods above us as their are creatures below us.

Christianity was never popular with leadership, who spent years abusing and more recently propagandizing against it. It established a moral baseline Ten Commandments are stories which few understand anymore, given the almost total annihilation of oral traditions illustrating what could go wrong when you went too far.

Since it did not actually exclude leadership from moral stricture - well, totalitarians don't like that. I think the real point is the universe is a lot bigger than humanity. Messing with the universe is a bit like messing with something you don't understand that can hurt you bigly? Recently many people seem to have decided "they know better". They manufacture lies for other to believe, and are then swept along in the results.

There is less and less restraint, and more and more grand ideas of "better". Even if the liars wanted to, they could not let go out of fear. The lies have a social and political force they cannot control or ignore. If the Egalitarian Marxists have their way, the trees will all be kept equal, by hatchet, axe, and saw There is no reason at all to assume your last statement.

It just sounds good as a bite, but there is no particular reason it should be true. Nor is it "logical" to assume that Christianity, in particular reformation Christainity, was "the problem". The ascendancy of Christianity resulted in Europe leading the world in science, technology, and freedom. Alteria future call options has since waned and Europe's lead in those areas has begun to wane as well, though debt can prop things up for a while.

If "monothesim leads to totalitarianism" then why did all the Christian nations wind up with more human freedom than anyone else in history while India, China, and Africa had polythesim and poverty, misery, and oppressive government? You might benefit, if you care to, from reading about the true chain of thought Cultural marxism is not real.

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If you look at the spread of this meme nowhere do the people involved ever discuss what the Frankfurt School actually said, and this is because they either have no clue what they're talking about or they simply desire to use emotional manipulation stock market freeze gain followers.

The reality is that the Frankfurt School, and I do not agree with their conclusions, focused on new forms of domination in the modern era that developed due to fascism as well as the merging of capitalist industrial practises with state bureaucracy. This meant that they were very critical of Bolshevism even if still in the realm of marxist economics and attempting to figure out a philosophy of the subject in this changing period of domination.

As well, if you look at the history of the New Right you will find that they were actually influenced by the Frankfurt School. And if this is not enough stock market csi then one can look to one of the group's successors. Slavoj Zizek continues the trajectory of their studies and it is clear that he is actually more critical of the political correctness movement than anyone on the Right.

His argument is that these identitarian groups are a sign of the new totalitarianism we face and that we are expected to not only accept but to love these identity politics groups - which is a clear perversion and corruption of traditional values. Meanwhile, the neocons have their own identity politics movement. And at the head of it is none most analytical coverage of stock market of bangladesh than a flag-waving zionist who promotes gay sex, racial mixing, exhibitionism, constant vulgarity, and other forms of degeneracy.

Yet, the same people spreading the 'cultural marxism' meme threaten civil war over their cult leader, who mysteriously exhibits every trait of the 'cultural marxist' bogeyman. Cultural Marxism seems a fitting name.

But Cultural Buggary would work as programed stock trading. Regardless, Western Civilization is under attack. Some punk scribbled the graffiti "Take it down" across her statue. The irony is that Joan of Arc was officially burned at the stake for the heresy of crossdressing out of necessity. Of course, that was just a cover for the English who wanted her dead. And where are the feminists to honor her bravery for stepping outside the traditional roles of women at the time? The neocons are Cultural Marxists, not the other way around.

It's still about a bunch of parasitic psychopaths lusting for power and control, attempting to achieve it by dumbing all of humanity down to the brute level—because their self-proclaimed superiority told them we were all theirs for the enslaving. If something only works in theory but not in practice then forex training pro course in south africa the theory is fucked.

It needs to be revamped or abandoned for something that does reflect reality, that does work or has worked in real life. The reality is that there is always a gap between theory and practise. As they say, 'Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth. And perhaps worse than socialism is capitalism: Capitalism is a tem coined by Marx to disparage free market economics by lumping it in with rent-seeking, cronyism, cartels, monopolies and other forms of economic parasitism.

What happened to ratings button? I would like to give this article a resounding zero because of I'm sick of Doug Casey and his weak tea, libertarian, civic nationalist horseshit. And it's not as if his ACTUAL loyalties don't stand out like a sore thumb - for anyone paying attention. It's rainin ash on Pompeii - but slow down there citizen It goes a long way further back than "the Greeks" Doug.

Wise guy philosophers were taking those concepts to heights far beyond the modern grasp when China was still Xian, and King Xuan was still shedding tears over the ox.

All the Hellenes did - under the guidance of their Semitic instructors in PR - was rip off other peoples stuff, to repackage in new bottles. The spread of tribalists of the talmudic kind - from the ruins of the second temple to the precincts of Rome and it's vast hinterlands, brought the philosophy of Marxian 'socialize the losses, privatize the profits' to a west wholly unprepared to resist clever word games and whispered inducement to You and your 'lobstertarianism" are a part of the problem Doug As a person of no color who embodies an intersectional reality that includes my complete lack of genderfluidity, with no unemployment questioning and non-pagan experiences to speak of, I am being oppressed by the cultural Marxists hegemonic power structure of the political, academe and media classes.

I am a victim of constant coordinated systemic attacks of these hostile paradigms that even denies my truth regarding my phallo-possessory identity! Why is that even when we use their own language it still comes off as whining little Pajamas Bois who need a good ass kicking?

Mama always taught me to be polite and share. I think Mama was a well mannered socialist.

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No choc lat for you. I'm sensing some sort of homo-erotic fantasy on your part here, obviously you didn't get the meaning of my post. Sure, makeup and impose these rules of societies after you've raped, pillaged and then imposed yourself and your way of life on your host.

Sound exactly like what is occurring in places once occupied by the natives and now are being overrun by thieving foreigners looking for a place to park their ill-gotten gains bidding the price of housing up for the people who grew up and remained loyal and law-abiding citizens. Maybe everyone should get in on the slave trade or narcotic trafficking business. People have to live by the rules imposed on them by the king and it sucks if you're not the king. There can be no ownership without complete dominance of weaponry by the owner.

The idea of anarcho-capitalism is as much of a fairy tale as anarcho-communism. I am not saying that I am against anarchy, but it would not work for everyone as well as it would work for the few who can achieve power and immediately create their own governments. The first two paragraphs are from Doug Casey in the article. Why can't I edit my posts? Did Tyler just disable that feature?

If he was in the act of replying to you it stops you from editing your previous, just like you couldn't edit this one while I was replying to you.

Doug Casey has the same problem he claims the bioethicists have. He wants you to accept his beliefs about the way the world should be as the final doctrine. Every one who doesn't agree with him has to be wrong. I agree with some of what he says but the rest is totally wrong. Every article he puts on ZH is just an advertisement for his company.

He won't get any of my money. Yeah, I was a bit stunned when I saw he was supporting "completely open borders". What a fucking tosser. Can't take anything else he says seriously after that one. While economic Marxism is still debunked in the sense that history hasn't led to a victory of the working classes and the abolition of class structure and the arrival of communismthe demise of the SU has next to nothing to with it.

Doug Casey seems blissfully unaware of the fact that Marx never gave anything even vaguely resembling a blueprint or economic model of communism, let alone a set of "Marxian economic policies". I'm not sure people should write about stuff they obviously are not familiar with. There is a simple reason that "intellectuals" do not talk about "Marxian economic policies" These simply do not exist. Here's our Cookie Policy. How to report offensive comments. Home Contributors Newsletter Donate More Store ZH-TShirt Glossary Archive Manifesto RSS.

INTRoDuCiNG ReBu, THe WORLD'S FiRST RoBoT CeO May 7, 8: At the time I thought it was a joke… A word Cultural Marxists use a lot lately is diversity. Thanks, Doug, until next time. China North Korea Meltdown Roman Empire. Printer-friendly version May 7, 8: Comment viewing options Flat list - collapsed Flat list - expanded Threaded list - collapsed Threaded list - expanded.

Date - newest first Date - oldest first. Select your preferred way to display the comments and click "Save settings" to activate your changes. NoDebt May 7, 8: Entourage NoDebt May 7, 8: Believing someone to have different ideas based on his or her skin color is simply racist. AltRight Girl Entourage May 7, 9: I blame Christianity and the "lower your head, feel guilt" that comes with it.

That jewish abominable invention programed the once barbarian whites into beta cucks. The Politics of Penitence http: Hail Spode AltRight Girl May 7, Dancing Disraeli Hail Spode May 7, Troy Ounce Dancing Disraeli May 8, 6: Destroy all of that and Western civilization is Marxist prey. NordikAvenger Hail Spode May 7, Hail Spode NordikAvenger May 8, Monotheism leads to totalitarianism.

That was the whole point of inventing it. And so we get to see what happens next. A Nanny Moose Andre May 8, 1: Andre A Nanny Moose May 8, 3: Frito NoDebt May 7, 8: Scanderbeg NoDebt May 7, 9: If that's not a sign of controlled opposition, I don't know what is.

HopefulCynical chiaroscuro May 8, It is a meme spread by neo-conservatives Entourage May 7, 8: Entourage gladih8r May 7, 8: I was being sarcastic, but yes, the theory is fucked. The practice is even more so. HopefulCynical general ambivalent May 8, GooseShtepping Moron May 7, 8: Entourage GooseShtepping Moron May 7, 8: BobEore GooseShtepping Moron May 7, 9: Casey's grasp of history - and now 'ethics' apparently, are so tenuous as to provoke mirthful amazement when watching him diss others with a similar handicap.

SunRise GooseShtepping Moron May 9, 5: Nobodys Home May 7, 8: Nobodys Home nmewn May 7, 8: Entourage Nobodys Home May 7, 8: Nobodys Home Entourage May 7, 8: CrankyCurmudgeon nmewn May 7, 8: Sonny Brakes May 7, 8: Entourage Sonny Brakes May 7, 8: Sonny Brakes Entourage May 7, 8: TuPhat Sonny Brakes May 7, Socratic Dog Sonny Brakes May 10, 1: Das Kapital was a book about nothing I like it.

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