How to make money mining wow 4.2

Posted: devilll Date: 20.06.2017

Forums Professions What professions are making gold in 4. What professions are making gold in 4. Professions Customer Support Service Status Technical Support Mac Technical Support Bug Report PTR Discussion 6. Role-play and Fan Fiction Community Events and Creations Seat of Knowledge: Prev 1 2 Next. What professions are actually making good amounts of gold in 4.

I have herbalism maxed on my main and frequently farm heartbloom, cinderbloom, and volatile life to sell on the AH which brings me in a large profit of gold considering I farm them at least twice a day. I also have alchemy almost maxed out as well, so that helps me earn gold faster as well. Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning suck. The rest of them can make very nice amounts of gold. With your enchanting - go learn every recipe you can possibly learn.

Then start making scrolls with Enchanting Vellum. I personally make 2 of every enchant I know, but this may be a bit much. The key words are- Comsumable, and Limited.

Figure out what Pots and Mats are in High demand. Usually the stuff that drops in Heroics, and Enchanting mats from DE'ing From Heroic runs are solid sellers. Maelstrom Crystals are good to sell. Mainly needed consumables like always. Think about it, if you are cheap but raid, what are you in need of?

You need gems and chants for your new gear, and flasks for raiding. Flasks have the downside of being flooded on the market because of the guild achievement people are pursuing, so you are talking gems and chants.

In chants I include leg enhancements and belt buckles. And now you know what I sell, because I followed that same reasoning. Rarely I will sell some mats if I have surpluses, but basically gems and chants.

I do ok I think. As Badmojo and Areseheals mentioned, consumables are my best sellers. Gems, chest enchants, weapon enchants, bracer enchants, leg tailoring and leatherworking enchants, and belt buckles. I also sell bags; netherweave, embersilk, and mammoth mining bags. In order to do well, I think you have to be patient. Since it's very competitive. I also plan in advance. When the price is low, I buy out all the mats needed and keep a stockpile.

In doing so, I can keep crafting the items when there's a shortage.

Ways to make gold for your mount(s) in Vanilla WoW.

I learned that lesson fairly early. Diversity is important too. I don't worry about my competition.

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If someone starts posting items below what I'm willing to sell, I simply wait it out, and focus on selling something else. I'm involved in enough markets that my toons are always making gold. Ravenbane 80 Orc Hunter posts. I have three toons that generate most of my crafted items. I have all of the Cataclysm gem cuts except bad metas.

Approximations of my sales yesterday: Enchants and mats including agility and intellect to bracers: I moved a bit of hypnotic dust but most of my enchanting sales comes from the scrolls themselves, not the mats.

I have invested the time and gold needed to learn most of the BOA enchants. I am considering moving into the glyph market for some of the rarer glyphs but haven't decided as I already spend a good chunk of time posting. Generally I post 2 to 3 times a day and it already takes a few hours. There is definitely a correlation to the ideas that "It takes money to make money.

WOW Guide: Making Money With Mining

Any crafting prof will be capable of making a lot of money. I have had great luck with inscription. A few days ago I started with gold, bought herbs, made ink, and made as many different glyphs as I could. After selling them I spent the money I made to make more glyphs.

Eventually I had auctions constantly on the AH with a couple selling per minute. A week later and I've made over k in profits.

The trick is to make as many different consumables from your crafting profession enchantments, glyphs, gems, weapons, armor, etc as possible and have them up on the AH at all times. Check constantly to make sure your auctions are selling for the cheapest check for undercuts, you can get addons for that and you'll see a pretty decent profit come in.

Don't do gathering professions. Just take 5 minutes a day to buy up cheap materials off the AH, craft high demand items, put on at a price below market price theunderminejournal.

OR you could go spend countless hours and farm mindlessly in zones heavily dominated by a character that isn't even being played by a human being. I know my choice Basically imo if you want to make any large amount of gold from your profs, u need to have multiple profs.

On my main server I have 8 toons level , and all have 2 maxed profs. I have 1 maxed tailor, 1 maxed leatherworker, 1 maxed blacksmith, 1 maxed Scribe, 5 maxed alchemist, and 2 maxed Jewelcrafters.

Alchemy and Jewelcrafting are definetly my bread and butter profs for making gold. All 5 of my alchemist are xmute spec, so that's a minimum of 5 truegold bars made everyday.

I sell those, and buy massive amounts of elementium, and obsidium ore when there cheap on the ah usually stacks at a time. Prospect everything, use my alchemist to make the blue gems out of the green ones, then send them to my JC's and cut them all with the most expensive cuts at the time on the ah. Using this method I average atleast 10k gold per day. As others said, just takes time, alot of listing on the ah, and some gold to get u started with buying ore.

Having an alchemist alt is helpful by transmuting your common gems into shadowspirit diamonds. Tootime 14 Goblin Hunter 0 posts. I love this topic. I get some many ideas from other player on how they make gold. Plus most people only look to professions to make gold.

There are other ways. I cant tell you all of my secrets, but here are a few. Learn your market and sell, sell, sell. Plus if you don't mind spamming trade.

Go to the other side Horde or ally with a lvl 1 alt and advertise things that the other side might be short on ex DMC, patterns, pets, epic items then place them on the neutral AH.

White recipes cooking, BS, JC and all others Look what is selling and buy them and re post on AH. Many players are too lazy to go to far places top pick up old stuff. It takes time but you can make good money off of lazy players. Some great money here.

Ten Ton Hammer | Top Ways To Make Gold in Cataclysm

If you have at least g to spend. Download an AH add-on, Learn how to use the scanning and searches. Buy goods when players, make mistakes on bid prices. They have really low bids.

Place you bid on as many as you can find good deals on. Wait to see if you win. Then resale, disenchant, mill, prospect or what ever you need to do. The other day I was buy the starter pvp sets for bids at 5g. That's a very cheap heavenly shard. I am new to the JC and haved searched google for all the rare gems to no avail I am wonderiing if all the wolk and cata gems are from the JC vendor now? Or if not please enlighten me as to where to get them. Caius 85 Draenei Shaman 0 29 posts.

It is much more difficult to make money these days than it used to be. Not long ago there was more of a mutual benefit attitude at AH. For example, I would go see that Fred had a Nimble gem selling for G, I would put one up for G. I'd do that for the a few gems and make a lot of easy money. Now, if do the same, Dufus comes in and puts his Nimble Gem up for So Dufus is saying FU to Fred and I. Those that put up for sale multiple low volume items. Those that see the price for a Nimble Gem is G and put them up for sale at G.

Those that put multiple low volume items up for sale and undercut. There are morons who put 20 Gems of the same type up for sale at one time at slightly over the vendor price. They are too dumb to figure out that a they could make more money vendoring and b they are probably losing money due to AH fee.

In order to make money you have to deal in volume. You need multiple toons with maxed out professions who can feed mats back and forth to boost production. I maintain about 2 stacks of every gem cut. It's a lot of bag space, I know. If you put a gem up for sale at and Dufus puts 4 up for Keep repeating the process.

Dufus will run out of gems faster than you do and will run up more AH fees. If I see Fred has ONE gem up for sale, I match his price to the nearest G tough, if you're undercutting the previous guy by 1C --I don't undercut him. We both make money. More often, I have to repeatedly undercut Dufus who is spamming the AH and undercutting. To make money with Dufus around, you need A LOT of merchandise. I have 5 transmute masters maxed. I make 5 Truegold a day and with buying the mats off the AH transmuting and listing averaging one proc a day I'm pulling an extra gg a day profit.

I herb and alch, both do well. I can do 1, G a day easy. I do not do that though. My alt is minning and engineering, one is a loss, minning does OK, you have to make bars in some cases, instead of selling ore.

Some gems do alright. Alot of what i gather goes to my guild so I use guild repairs, and find guild members to make enchnats and gems for when i can. I sell enough to cover everything else. I DO NOT BUY ARMOR? WEAPONS, that are BOE and rediculously priced.

I will never pay 50K for somehting that will be obsolete the next tier of content. Heck I won't pay 5K for a BOE. But if you want to you could make that kinda money with 25 dailies, and just about any profession. You just have to do it every day. Another way if I may say, though I do not believe that it is a game exploit.

On most servers hopefully but definetly on Sargeras there is a major contrast in population between Horde and Alliance.

Since there are a majority of Alliance their goods should be largely cheaper than the Hordes which is true on Sargeras. Get an alliance to sell you the mats on the Neutral auction house for the same price they would charge on their AH and then resell them on the Horde Auction house much higher.

It would be technically annoying to set up. But once you've got it going you could make some good Gold. Plus you save from farming up Proffessions etc.

I've never done it, let me assure you. I just know ppl that do. Every profession is making gold except for Engineering.

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