How to make money psychiatry

Posted: zaoriver Date: 07.07.2017

An Industry of Death is a controversial documentary on the horrors of psychiatry, of punishing and persecuting of the innocent and promoting Fascism, racism and atheism. It was the foundation for the Holocaust, apartheid, for Jim Crow and for Communism.

It has lead to many deaths. It denies God, the giver of life and freedom. It stands against the values of freedom, life, liberty and dignity. There have been allegations that this is a Scientology propaganda film.

Although the church of Scientology has had influence on the production of this film, the evil inherant in psychiatry should be of great concern to all people of all faiths especially Christians and Jews. Psychiatrists in Nazi Germany basically branded innocent people as mentally ill including Jews.

The concentration camps of Auschwitz and elsewhere were nothing more than psychiatric hospitals for those the Nazi State deemed mentally unfit.

Jews Gypsies, Christians, Dissidents, ETC. Won't even watch this. Just reading the excerpt is enough! Scientology at its best using once again the Holocaust for their own objectives!!!! Really bad psuedo-science, total bullshit propoganda-film from the depths of the Scientology church. Don't even consider watching this. I saw portions of this film during a college course today and the professor believes this lock stock and barrel.

What a crock of propaganda crap. The music, the racing back and forth on film, cut off interviews, it has a very clear message that they can make a movie say virtually anything if you cut and edit enough. This is happening to me a Woodside NY resident, I am in a long court preceedings accussed of medical neglect because I chose to take a nutrition treatment for my 10yr old, instead of prozac, children services comes and even counts the pills of my teen son to make sure he is taking his meds.

They are forcing me by court order to take a pysch treatment with meds because I choose vitamins instead of prozac, how insane is that? To be honest with you I'm not convinced by this "Documentary", Is Allowing a Cult to fleece you of your money, thought and dignity a mental illness and a suitable case for treatment?

I'm just saying that Psychiatry might've saved Lisa McPherson, rather than being fed vitamin tablets and strapped to a bed for 17 days. Well if they're right then I guess I should tell my friend to stop taking his meds and just hope that he doesn't kill himself. Or maybe he just needs to take auditing classes at the Church of Scientology and stare at someone for an hour without flinching, and then he'll be right as rain. Reading the comments I see people are debating whether the content of the documentary is true or false.

It's dangerous because it's a mixture of both. I think people should watch it and then check out the so-called facts for themselves. First begin a healthy diet organic vegetables, low carbs and exercise.

Then stop taking the medication under the supervision of a doctor of course. If you are sick get tested for deficiencies in your body and fix it with supplements and with the necessary diet, not meds.

As a psychiatrist, I find propaganda like this dangerous and misleading, medicine is not a religion, we dont have answers, we are people trying to our best to understand and to help those who suffer. I have seen the benefits and the drawbacks of my field, but despite what we dont know, I see how we change people's lives for the better. I would love to see Scientology open a psych ER and try to talk down an acutely psychotic or manic patient, many religious believe that psychotic disorders are a weakness of character, we believe its an illness like diabetes or heart disease, and we are trying our best to learn and to treat psychiatric illnesses better every day.

I went to a lecture recently hosted by a eminent UK Psychologist and people need to know that these are potentially serious conditions, I was not suprised to know that psychological conditions run in families and can even go unnoticed for generations.

In an ideal world prevention would be better than cure but Psycological conditions need thorough diagnosis before treatment. The documentary deliberatley set out to discredit all the hard work the doctors have put into treating these conditions, which I found incredibley insulting, and more worryingly frighten people to distrust the medical profession outright.

If anyone is wondering if I'm a doctor, I'm not. But I was diagnosed with a psychological condition 5 years ago and given the right tablets and consultation, because of this life could not be better but not easier: So naturally I'm very protective of this profession and I hope more people get the help they need rather than beleive some phoney-belony documentary, which paints Psychology as a sadistic, ruthless, medical practice.

And join a religion which fools them into thinking they'll help them better, The only help you'll get is to help your wallet shed a bit of weight.

There is a lot of truth to this documentary. Don't judge it until you've watched it. I was placed on Ratalin as a child and became so skinny that they took me off it.

I also took Lexipro as an adult for a while. I'm glad I got off of it and will never take another antidepressent. The pharmacitical companies make so much money, so it's to their advantage to keep us all drugged up and compliant.

I agree that the pharmaceutical companies do make a ton of money keeping us on drugs, but most of those drugs do help people. Psychiatrists also tend to overdiagnose, but that doesn't mean that some people don't need psychiatric help.

Just maybe not as much as we think. I also take Lexapro, but not for depression. It helps with my anxiety, and before I started taking it I was suffering almost constant panic attacks for no apparent reason.

They just started one day, and I had to drop out of school for half a year cuz I couldn't function very well. I also have a close friend who is bipolar and psychotic, but thanks to psychiatric treatment he can have a relatively normal life and even a job, and he no longer tries to kill himself.

But this COULD all be part of an evil conspiracy to get our money. Maybe we should all go off our meds just to spite them! I was particularly ammused by those who commented that the film has anything to do with Scientology.

Appears they didn't watch the film and misread the discription as well. Psychiatrists will obviously refute it's content, because if people actually accepted the facts their profession would be kicked to the curb.

Way too many glorify the medical profession by great respect and lack of question without doing any research. It is our sanity we are talking about!! Once you're on them your body will grow even more incapable of producing necessary mental chemicals. They do not, and can not claim to cure. More has gone wrong than right. In a nutshell taking the mental meds is a copout. Depression is cured by healthy diet and adaquate sleep coupled with finding a meaningful hobby instead of brooding in self pitty.

The real cures are too simple, meanwhile billions of dollars toward the Psychiatric industry drive healthcare costs to astronomical perportions. The truly effective treatments for mental health are those which involve change in lifes routines - eliminating unproductive thoughts and behaviors. It has become a super depressionproof empliment anyone can do. I teach children in hope that it will make a difference to their long and happy lives. It is only the beginning of developing alternatives to biological treatments for mental illnesses, and we are definitely on the right track.

Debnes, there are far more serious mental illnesses than depression. Most of them cannot be cured by changing your routine.

How would you recommend dealing with severe panic disorder, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder without medication? Yes Tim I am aware of the many mental illnesses, and still maintain that there are other methods of healing besides mind altering chemicals.

I was only scratching the surface. Although this is very well made and beliavable on some extent but some things are greatly over exaggerated. It's interesting to know how easily these kind of drugs make it to the market only after going through 8 week trials.

The regulatory authority has a lot of people making the decisions with ties to the big pharma. So basically many inefficient drugs may get approval more easily.

It is also sad to know that psychotropics are increasingly used on young children in USA although it is not yet known what they cause to the developing brain and body. It is also very important to notice that drugs only mask the symptoms away - it doesn't cure depression in itself although it may have therapeutic value.

The former sales rep on this film had her own personal experience with antidepressants which caused her to become almost disabled and unable to work for six months during withdrawal. This documentary was made by CCHR which is an international humanrights organization for the victims of psychiatry founded and funded by scientologists in They probably are important organization as psyciatry can also be used for wrong purposes. Scientologys goal concerning psychology is to destroy it.

Psychiatry is so misrepresented in society it's embarrassing. People think all Psychiatrists are out there and closely depict "Frasier" from television. What's even more sad is the blatant criticism that psychiatrists get for working the medication management portion of mental illness. Of course they are going to work more in prescribing medication--they are physicians. Psychotherapists do quite well at their therapy portion of managing mental illness. Suicide rates are alarmingly high and mild mental illnesses are almost never treated because of the stigma associated with seeing a mental health professional.

Why is it so threatening to people like Scientologists that some may choose to visit with a psychiatrist and benefit from doing so? This is not to say that alternative medicine is all bogus. I don't think so at all. I would be surprised if having a healthy diet didn't positively contribute to living with depression. Such polarizing views aren't stopping people from suffering with mental illness. A person who is mentally ill schizophrenic, manic, depressed, etc. So much easier to fleece and control an unstable personality As a mental health professional, I find this just.

There are many golden moments, but a few of the highlights for me. No darling, Drug companies get rich when psychiatrist prescribe drugs. Psychiatrists, like doctors everywhere, are making less money due than they used to, not more.

Uh, have any of these people ever actually tried to have someone involuntarily committed? A family member of mine was living alone in a house with no heat in the dead of winter. We were terrified she would freeze to death, but she would't or couldn't leave the house.

Her parents had to go to court to get her committed, and believe me, it was a long, expensive and agonizing process. No one will be able to involuntarily commit you for frivolous reasons or even perhaps to save your life. Uh, must be true because a lawyer said so. GARY NULL is oft quoted in this film. He's a controversial character who promotes himself as a doctor and makes misleading junk-science films about medical issues some of which, such as Vaccine Nation, can be found on this site.

If you think doctors make too much money, think about this

He is not medical doctor. He is a dietition. Not sure how that makes him an expert on anything in the psychiatric realm. Among other things, he argues that HIV does not cause AIDS. Um, lifetime prevalance rates? Prevalance rates in inpatient populations? Have these boneheads actually read a DSM-IV?

I've been to see two different psychiatrists for depressive symptoms. They both told me to exercise, sleep more and stay away from alcohol.

They said to come back in a couple months if I was still depressed. Neither gave me drugs.

how to make money psychiatry

They must have been renegades or something. That's 80 percent of the Kindergarteners I know. Has this person ever been around young kids? OK, I'm getting bored with this. But did you know psychiatrists are undead servants of the planet doo-doo who murdered Michael Jackson with thought beams to cover up the fact that their entire bodies are covered with scales?

And I have an "expert" to back it up, if I can just come up with enough money to pay him. Eventhough this documentary over exaggerates things a lot and some of the presented claims are outright lies it also makes a good point on how much money pharmaceutical companies are pouring in of all these drugs which were merely better than placebo. The theory of chemical imbalances in the brain and treatment by blocking the serotonin receptors doesn't sound like a great idea after it's become apparent that there is no way to measure the neurotransmitter levels.

Even the patient leaflets state that the mode of action is unknown. Also it makes perfect sense that it'd be a total mistake if they actually had made a drug which'd cure any disease. Where'd the cashcows be then if people just got healthy by using some drug?

Also SSRI and other drugs of this category have significant list of possible side-effects from persistent impotence to high cholesterol, high glucose levels, obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypothyroidism and the risk of diabetes. The same companies on the other hand have produced viagra,cialis, statins to lower cholesterol, new diabetes drugs. Oh gee, it only seems that this conspiracy theory makes perfect sense that's why it's so scary.

Maybe scientologists aren't so wrong after all: They want to take money out of the equation. To be skeptical and question what is seen is important. Always examine what is being shown to you, which is why I recommend this documentary. I believe in the power of the brain, to heal itself. I also believe some might function better with medication. However, "functioning" is not healing! Pharmacy drug commercials are shown in the same sequence with the commercial saying you NEED designer things to "function" the way you always dreamed It is obvious the pharmacies are as bad as drug dealers, without watching this.

They prey on your most vulnerable insecurities! In europe you dont have ads for meds - exept for example an laxative or a cold medicine or aspirin - which you can purchase freely. I saw some printed viagra adds but thats a different topic: I never ever saw an ad for an anti depressive America is not the world. I know that might be hard to realize sometimes but there are different places out there. Long before i saw this documentary. Any practicing psychiatrist should be at the very least imprisoned.

Sure you can't cure it completely but some people with milder form of the illness may learn to deal with it even without the drugs. Most european countries prohibit advertising of the prescription drugs completely. That doesn't mean that the drugs aren't easily prescribed. Your doctor may easily prescribe you an antidepressant for stomachache or an antipshychotic drug quetiapine for insomnia. On top of that depression is overdiagnosed and physiological factors such as hypothyroidism are often left untreated.

Medicalization is also true in Europe as well. Eventhough there's not so much profits made from the generic drugs i'd see rising antidepressant use as a problem of the future.

We still don't know enough about the brains and the longterm consequences involved with the use of SSRI class of drugs. I'm not a scientologist and not totally against the drugs if there's significant benefits over the risks. I'm a student currently doing my PhD in clinical psychology, and I can't understand how anyone can see this film as anything other than propaganda and absolutely hilarious!

Psychiatry caused the holocaust? As an aspiring psychologist AND someone with a German background I must be out to destroy humanity, huh? This film IS terrifying. Terrifying because people can be so naive about something they know NOTHING about, and make no effort to research it PROPERLY ahem… that includes literature NOT funded by the Church of Scientology, darlings….

Scientology created this film. They have been ripping off the halocaust for years. Ap said it all. And while im still here reading these truly awesome comments, i want 2 mention narconon. All I can say is from personal experience, sure I may be biased, however have nothing to do with Scientogy. Someone close to me sought psych help for her depression, and the results were catastrophic!

That, added to several like scenarios have left me disillusioned. I am quite wary from what I've seen.

I would love to see some big changes in this field of practice. If US had socialized Medicine they would ban the commercials here too. Wonder how long it will take for someone to see how detraMental these kinds of suggestions really are to the general public. Although I think Scientology is misguided like all religions while there is NO doubt in my mind Psychiatry is a scam. Any mind altering drug should be illegal. If humans start messing with the natural thought process all chaos will ensue.

The concept of right and wrong not to mention emotional detachment if ripped from the human psyche will create autonomous cretins. The greatest threat to personal liberty is from the medical profession. You U have no freedom unless U have your health.

It's clear just from the title that this is a pathetic propaganda film from the mental asylum that is Scientology. What is wrong with these sick people? And why have they desided that psychiatry is their number one enemy? Google "Elli Perkins" and find out how Scientology's vilification of psychiatry ends up killing people. Scientology is a dangerous, criminal cult and shouldn't be allowed to spread their lies.

I'm a scientist, and I've done the research. This docuemntary is full of distortions and out right lies. Thanks Bert, I forgotten about the ladies' name. But knew the story behind her tragic circumstances. Anyway now that I've actually watched this "Documentary" all the way to end. To say that this doc. There is NO constructive critcism of the subject matter. It would be nice if at least one interviewee said at least that the drugs people use to control their mental illness had benefitted the users in any way.

But Scientologists, like Histroical Revisionists only see and tell what they want to beleive. Maybe someone should have least have the balls to make "Scientology - An Industry Of Death" to counteract the claims these untreated mental-cases beleive. Oh yeah, Scientology kack get the real story behind these 'documentaries'.

A 10 minute documentary? Scientology absolutely - and btw the cult is going DOWN in a big way. If Hitler were alive today, I would write him a letter asking him to burn psychiatrist in ovens instead of jews.

Listen to the narrator, it's the same dude who does every video shown to prospective Scientologists.

how to make money psychiatry

This video, while based on solid idea's, just takes it way to far. Their are much better sources available today for one who wishes to find out about the borderline pseudoscience that is Psychiatry. I wouldn't recommend this one. It would be like recommending McDonald's to someone who wants to find out how beef tastes. Scientology and everyone and everything to do with it is crazy Nichopoulos, had prescribed a phenomenal amount of drugs for Presley—more than 5, narcotics capsules and pills alone—in the seven months before he died.

I think the mere mention of possible Scientology connections in the description of this film is turning a lot of people off.

And honestly that is very understandable. I think Scientology is brainwashing propaganda and a global scam. It's scary and quite disgusting. However this film does have content I agree with, it's just a matter of taking it with grain of salt. A very LARGE grain of salt. And I have no doubt they were partially if not completely behind the making of it.

But that does not change the fact that the over prescribing of prescription drugs is an extreme problem in this country and a very large scam in itself. If you can look past all this I feel it still addresses a really overlooked problem in the US and the rest of the world.

Looking at politics, monarchies, religion, medicine, psychology, childcare, education, etc. Certain individuals are attracted to these jobs because it gives them a certain degree of power and responsibility over the care and welfare of an individual or group. Fortunately many people in these professions agenda is to help others and follow an ethical code of conduct. However certain individuals are attracted to these jobs because it allows them to commit sadistic acts, or they suffer from some kind of mental illness as well.

Many people who lack empathy or the necessary social skills to form long-term relationships are average to above average intelligence, so compensate by focusing more on intellectual pursuits. As a result this increases the likely-hood of them entering a professional career. Psychiatrists or doctors who set out to murder or torture people in the name of 'racial cleansing' did not do it because of their profession, they did it because they were racists.

The same as the priests who molested children in the Catholic Church did not do it because they were priests, they did it because they were paedophiles. Regarding the DSM-V manual there are probably some disorders described in there that are too closely related to other disorders and are more of a subtype, but this is why the manual is revised so frequently.

Psychology is a young science and this is why mental health professionals will admit they don't know a lot of things, it is early days. All other sciences began as quite basic and gradually evolved into what we know today, e.

J Thompson's Plum Pudding Model of the atom. Psychology is a simple tool at the moment consisting of various patterns of behavior through observations and data. The key here is once we have identified these set of behaviors then we can begin to trace them to their cause s. This will come through trial and error with much further studies and breakthroughs. We now know certain medications are over prescribed to the general populace and gradually the attitude is changing.

In the past certain medications were always over prescribed for certain conditions, people used to give their children teaspoonfuls of opium to make them sleep at night and was available without prescription.

Today psychiatrists and doctors promote good sleep hygiene and opt to giving people antihistamines instead of addictive sleeping tablets if necessary. For those that worry psychology is out to damage children.

Please remember Jean Piaget. Among many things, when children were ill in hospital he made it possible for parents to have extended visiting hours to see their children and stay with them if the child was there long-term.

We are talking about a part of science that still views evolution with scepticism years after Dawkins and others showed its vital importance in understanding it I've seen this before, but after seeing my 'psychiatrist' yesterday, and my frustration with the fact that she is nothing more than an embodiment of her textbook sprinkled with what Big Pharma tells her to prescribe.

She insists I am psychotic and need to take an anti-psychotic. I told her she was an evil bitch and was on my way.

All Pyschiatrists are brainwahed themselves and cannot help others under any circumstance. This is a good documentary and tells it like it is. They are literally nazis.

Even the ones who don't know it. Man, this is some serious propaganda. The constant music in the background also helps keep the viewer alert. There is SOME truth to this video, psychiatry is a psuedo-science, only you can diagnose your own mentally illnesses.

BUT this video is also propaganda for something possibly more insidious, that would be the CULT of Scientology, aka the new world religion for the masses. It's true that big pharma and the F. A are slow moving death squads but you MUST realize that most every "debunking" video is just advocating some other social or psychological propaganda in its place, it is truly hard to find heart-felt videos that don't have hidden messages to nefarious agenda's.

Early forms of psychiatry doesn't have it's hands clean when it comes to human rights but this is clearly a scientology propaganda film. Let's talk about the horrors of destructive cults first. You know this is going to be a QUALITY documentary. Instead of debating psychiatry vs Scientology, the real issue is freedom of choice for individuals, instead of banning, psychiatry or Scientology, can't well informed adults make up their own minds to whether or not they want to see a psychiatrist, or Scientologist, or whatever?

I amm a 44 year old adult, not a two year old, if I decide to see a psychiatrist as a legitamate medical field, and I do, for bipolar disorder, than that is my choice, I do not need to be "protected" by Scientology from psychiatry, I am a god dam adult, I can make up my own mind about medical care. This is utterly ridiculous and mildly repulsive.

Is it being suggested that mental illness doesn't exist? That it doesn't severely impact the lives of many human beings? That it is all imagined up? This makes me sick. Won't even watch this trash.

Is America and the West in general over-medicated? Psychiatry might not always be absolutely correct, but at least they're using the scientific method, peer review, and clinical trials.

What does Scientology have to offer? Give me a break. I have believed for some time that at best psychiatry is the most dubious science of all. Then again maybe I'll just have to watch to know for sure Since so many detractors don't seem to have watched the documentary they're criticising. I'll comment without watching. I've watched enough Scientology exposes to know that Scientologists have an axe to grind. Believe me, I don't want to be associated myself in any way with the Scientology church but the basic message of this documentary about psychiatry is completely true.

They may exaggerate it a bit here and there and yes it's true that there's also psychiatrists who have actually done some good work and that's what they leave out of it, but it's a vast minority compared to the ones that are only interested in making money and either consciously or unconsciously poison people with chemical drugs or harm them in other ways, simply because they have absolutely no understanding of what a human being is or how a human being functions.

And on one side I don't want to deny the existence of mental problems, because many people do have mental problems, but the approach most psychiatrists are taking to this is laughable and it's definitely true that they create a lot of 'mental diseases' simply to be able to make more money.

The real 'mental disease' is not only in individuals but even more in our collective systems, in our governments, our economics, in our whole collective way of thinking, and psychiatrists are as much a part of that as anyone else.

That's what they deliberately leave out. Relying on scientology to teach you all about psychiatry doesn't sound wise. In spite of its name, scientology isn't a scientific "religion" at all. I'd be curious as to what peer reviewed research scientology has done on any mental illness, especially schizophrenia, for which there is ample evidence of biological bases.

This knowledge is what separates the psychiatrist from the quacks. This documentary is SO bad, at first I thought it was a spoof or a comedy. I did not read All of the comments on this topic, but the ones I did read surprised me.

I do not know anything about the scientology issue, but I do know some things about psychiatry. What I find odd and rather curious is the facts are there and people refuse to accept it. Maybe being on the payroll in some way has something to do with that. My question for All of you is this; The DSM has grown exponentially over the course of this venue of health. Since they took homosexuality out of the DSM the book got bigger and pedophilia and homosexuality has increased. Do you people know about the NWO plans for depopulating the earth?

What better way than to increase the rate of homosexuality? How many of the psychiatrists that vote on the content of the DSM are homosexual? The correlations are quite evident, regardless of who produced the film. What better way than to increase the rate of homosexuality" - maybe bad vaccines? Since the general population takes what the so-called mainstream media, educational institutions and medical industry feeds our minds; a film like this is the neccessary antidote.

If we can open our minds and look at the information we should be able decide for ourselves. Most of us are unaware of how we have been endoctrinated to turn control of our lives over to others. Peace and Blessings to all that still have the ability to receive them.

It's a scam, no doubt about it. It's dangerous, no doubt about it. However, the very principle of an 'open mind' is needed to contradict Scientology. Despite my outright disapproval of the church, it hardly means there members are incapable of forming a valid opinion, just like it hardly means Tom Cruise is a bad actor because he's one of them.

I haven't watched this documentary yet, and don't have time right now, but I plan to come back to it later. Mind you, I expect the argument will have about as much salt to it as the Creation-Evolution argument, but I still think it deserves to be heard out. Hell, people persecuted Galileo for telling the truth. Even if Scientology's already being persecuted for lies, and this is probably a distraction for their members, it's worth a listen.

They ruined the documentary with crummy camera work, cheap cut shots and the obvious agenda but it does hold a good overview to some of the history associated with the industry. I'm a special ed teacher and I see how many kids get over pumped with these drugs every day. I have had a few students who are completely unmedicated.

One student had to come off his meds because it was making him worse. The other was never medicated at all. I was told by the sending schools that their parents refuse to give medication and so the kids aren't going to be ok.

In 3 months I had those kids listening to me and sitting in their seats. I'm not saying they were perfect but it didn't take meds to get them to change. I'm not saying there isn't mental illness because there is, but it seems every year I get 12 students and of those 12, I can honestly say only 1 to 2 has an actual problem that I would classify as mental illness.

The other thing I see these mental illness labels doing is giving Americans one more reason that "it wasn't their fault" and a way to pass responsibility for not being an upstanding citizen.

The psychologist who worked in my room a few years ago was talking about this with me. We were saying how we wish psychological evaluations were more scientific and that the DVSM is a scary tool. Because what people don't realize is it's a diagnostic tool. This is how it works. We've seen X many of patients with the following symptoms. We can now call it a disorder.

Now we put it in the book and you have to meet X number out of Y symptoms and you can be classified with the disorder. So you are basically fitting yourself to a checklist. I agree, some of this documentary was very much propaganda and done a little cheesy but it doesn't mean all the information is false.

Just because you're crazy doesn't mean they're not out to get you. I appreciate the thorough detailing of this documentary. I agree that the video is biased but it's informative nonetheless and that's what matters. As a serious student I don't doubt anything shown here. Also, I appreciate all the footage on the holocaust because the Muslims have decided to remove it from their history books since they don't believe it happened.

I think holocaust footage should be shown when possible. If you actually pay attention to the documentary you will see how the point progresses. I believe the biological model has strong theories and I support it. Decatur livestock market also support the use of medication SO LONG AS THEY ARE HELPFUL TO THE PATIENT.

I also follow other psychological models. I don't fully support psychotropic medications unless they prove helpful to the particular patient. For the most part medications fix one problem but break something else, to put it alpari uk binary options day trading simply.

They call it side effects. Why trade one problem for a handful of others?! There are more effective ways to treat labeled disorders. Additionally, I think all the media coverage prove a healthy point. All the dead kids and kids taken from their parents should be enough evidence for you people. Virginia Tech wasn't propoganda. If you don't appreciate the documentary then do the research yourself.

Like a serious student would. This documentary is clearly biased and constantly distorts facts of american, psychiatric and psychological history. Avoid watching this if possible! Comments are interesting on this video.

Some call it dangerous, others propaganda and yet others comedy. Most confess readily that they haven't watched the documentary, and implore the rest of us not to watch it as well. One who claimed to be a psychiatrist claims his profession is not without a fault, but makes no mention of the fact that he knows and has never been trained on any other way of treating mental illness other than with drugs. It's sad that most of you are readily willing to dismiss this documentary because of the messenger.

Such is the case with many things around this world. The American Medical Association is a corrupt organization that enables the many doctors and pharmaceutical companies to continue to make vast amount of money by merely treating symptoms. Overall public mental health nor individual ones have not improved as a result of record number of psychiatrists and drugs out in the market in the last 50 years.

They have in fact gotten worse. More kids and adults are on more prescription medication than any other time in the history of the U. Mental illnesses are much less prevalent in societies that have better social structure than the U.

Yes, most pharrell ft ludacris money maker lyrics illness are physiological, however are manifestations of things that are not physiological to begin with, such as the material consumption driven, isolated and television-dependent existence that is common in the U.

Data entry work from home alberta the proliferation of churches and other religious organizations, this is also a country that lacks any redeeming spiritual and philosophical value. These are some of the issues raised in this documentary. I feel achingly sorry for the mother who is being prosecuted for refusing her child psychoactive medication. May be not possible for her, but I would flee the country and seek asylum somewhere else before I agree to medicate my child.

It is a brave new world indeed this experiment we call the United States. Dissent against the AMA and other similar organizations is quietly and methodically silenced Research and learn what the AMA did to the American chiropractors in the s. In a land that has squarely associated diversity to only the skin pigmentation of its citizens, lock step has become the only acceptable way. Hope, however, thrives among small group of dissidents of every persuasion.

Frequently Asked Questions about Forensic Psychiatry

Common among the various small groups is that they often don't watch television, or they watch it with their thinking cap on. Most of you guys here should try that. AS IF, outlandishly over-stated claims debasing the entire field of mental-heath care encompassed by psychiatry are worth paying attention to.

AS IF anti-psychotic medications havent enabled large numbers of individuals with ORGANIC disorders to live autonomously. AS IF you had something better to offer.

Hey Riley, you feel "sorrier" for John Travolta's son. I can tell by not only your grammar, but by your comment that you are not a very intelligent person! What does John Travolta's son, have to do with a documentary, about the horrors, and corruption of the pharmaceutical companies? I am not an American, but I can assure you, the rest of the world feels sorry for the American people. Some countries laugh, and some just shake their heads. You have the worst health care system for a 1st how to earn money on stardoll country, 3rd world countries have better than you!

You need to watch more documentaries about psychiatrists, your health care system, and those American pharmaceutical companies, as this is not the only one. And give your head a shake, those companies are trying to push these bogus unapproved by the FDA drugs on other countries around the globe. We have our own documentaries as well! My brother was put on Ritalin when he was 5. Why, because my evil father got custody of him, and his wicked stepmother physically abused forex broker inc server, and new childbride's in stocks for ruger 10/22 takedown 70's I guess didn't know how to raise 5 year olds, so how did the doctors help the childbride wicked step mother?

They helped her out by putting my brother on Ritalin, and his nervous system was damaged permanently a year later. My brother is quite the site in a restaurant. Some Americans need to put their scientology, and their jew bullshit away, but still watch this documentary and have their eyes opened, and get themselves educated a little. The world is watching you! And the rest of us don't need the Americans acting like drug pushers on the whole world because of their corruption and greed!

And get out of those Paki countries while your at it, like what are you guys STILL doing there? No wonder no one likes Americans, you are all crazy! These comments on this documentary prove it, and the documentary itself proves it!

I give this Documentary 5 stars!!! In school in the 60's if a kid was bad, or didn't listen, they gave him the strap! In the 70's, they put him in the corner with a dunce cap on. In the 80's they sent him out to sit in the hall. In the 80's's they invented detention, and took away privilege's. And now if a kid is bad, or doesn't listen, or isn't interested in some lame lesson, the kid is labeled and "DRUGGED"!

My, we sure have come a long newsletter for options trading in nifty. Parents are to blame for this. They don't want their kids disciplined, they want them drugged instead. Cause half of these parents are on drugs themselves, whether it be illegal drugs, or random pill popping cause they can't deal with their own shit!!! And as far as these labels go, they are all made up bogus bull that people fall for.

Bi polar- insecure and not ready to fit in yet. Depression-nobody said life was gonna be easy! You can't expect to feel naturally high and happy every day. Look around, you think the rest of us have a life that is a picnic in the park?

We just deal with our shit. OMG, grab a spine, a backbone, some self confidence, some self esteem, a backbone, or WHATEVER, and get in the game of life. If God made you a little shy, or not interested in some things,or whatever, it's up to you to MAKE A CHOICE to become a different, or better person, not be labeled and drugged by some psycho!!!

This Doc is truth. You obviously have an ax to grind as evidenced by your hyperbolic and gbp inr exchange rate forecast emotional responsesthus your credibility is shot. May be if you can shed your emotional baggage, you can educate us, the unaffiliated, about the 'evils' of Scientology.

You presume to associate me with the Church of Scientology as if the statements I made regarding proselytizing and money are the official responses of the Scientology Church.

That makes me wonder about your level of 'knowledge' of the Church when you start accusing somebody like me who has never spoken to a Scientologist at least as far as I knowto be one. My guess is, you're probably dumped by a Scientologist girl and have never gotten over it.

Get out more, will ya? It's great for mental health as well! The Buddhist say that most of our suffering from life comes from a desire to avoid pain and seek pleasure. Are they seriously basing modern day psychiarty on things that happend hundreds of years ago? What a propaganda movie if ive ever seen one If i was suffereing from some mental illnes i know where i would be turning to for help and it wouldnt be to a video like this.

I guess then it will be a surprise to you if I told you that I am an agnostic gravitating towards Islam. Filled with compassion for. I don't think Denise is disputing the fact that the word 'sorrier' exists. As per the definition you cite, it is a comparative word.

However, in your original sentence you did not use it to compare the fact that stock market volatility indian economic factors feel more sorry for Travolta's kid as opposed to someone else, thus her criticism of your grammar.

If you did, your sentence was constructed so badly, it did not elucidate that fact. Here I am, silly me, pointing out a native speaker's grammatical challenges, when English is my third language! Thanks for the good luck wish, but learning is more about curiosity than luck. Wish me curiosity instead!

I most definitely could have done without the dramatic narration and the constant music, but I date of stock market crash of 1929 some filmakers feel that's necessary for people to remain attentive, I'm not one of them.

As for the the whole drug and "treatment" thing, I'll pass on that too, you don't need drugs when you've got soul. Eat, think, hear, speak and act PURE. I am having such a laugh.

The commentary in favor win binary options trading the messages in this film are just Everybody should see this. Abolishing psychiatry is great step towards civilization! When many people suffer from delusion, it's called religion".

So it is your contention that the mental heath industry is big thumbs up all the way? If so, that's a serious delusion you have there Abe.

Today hyper active kids are drugged into a passive and compliant state via Ritalin. Does it cure the condition NO! It simply makes the kids more manageable in class. It certainly can be. The history of the mental health industry is genuinely rather horrific. Just because the a--holes that made this film are crack pot Scientologists doesn't mean that they haven't made some good observations, that Psychiatry is an exact science or that a great deal of harm hasn't been done to patients via over medicating them.

Enough with the witch hunt on ADHD already. This comes from one who takes the medication and have lived my entire childhood without it. It will amount to nothing more than total and irreversible submission to machines.

Those people take a drug treatment and are cured almost for life. I have seen a lot of those when used to work in a mental clinic. ECT is also helping people to deal with their traumas, like being a victim of rape, a terrorist attack, or terrible accident and really helps them to get back to a normal life.

They stop suffering from a nightmares, anxiety, sometimes suicide tendencies and more. Certainly misdiagnoses are made. However, many cases do exist in which people benefit enormously from pharmacological and counseling measures.

It'll cost you more than your money. It stands against the values of freedom, life, liberty and dignity Religion, Government, Education, Media are all a form of population control they do not care how you suffer There will always be the root of many evils and it is not psychiatry itself it is the bad apples in the field. Blaming psychiatry for mental illness is ridiculous people is truly depressed because of situations in live, or because of biological problems such as a brain injury or due to a medical illness that damaged the brain.

Some people are depressed because of the state of affairs in the very ideologies in this world such as discrimination against race, against being fat, being thin, being smart etc. Ideologies can amass power through money and greed and power in and of itself.

To blame psychiatry for things like the holocaust is like saying all Germans are evil, all government is evil; all men are evil, and so on. To blame one profession for things such as sexual rape is the same as saying all teachers are rapists, all little league coaches are, all Catholics are, all dentists and doctors are and so on. The reasoning behind this film is beyond irrational.

There is no doubt that if you were to go to a psychiatrist you may be recommended to how to slow cook lamb casserole a drug, that is what that field subscribes to, however, psychologists do no, nor do counselors.

There are many thousands of billions of people that receive competent statistical based proven therapies to assist with autistic children, those that are depressed, and those that need guidance in marriage problems and so forth that are faith based. It is important for people to ask what it is that how to make money psychiatry therapist believes in and what therapies they see as viable. There are in fact many scientifically based results centered around cognitive therapy and psychology itself, there are billions that have benefited from counseling, billions of lives saved.

However, I do agree that psychiatry should not have ultimate power to force anyone to treatment, or to force diagnosis forexchange torino porta nuova any way. Not having money or resources, lack of educational opportunities and jobs in this country is a great eur usd exchange rate april 2016 of disparity as well as the ideology of capitalism.

Capitalism is causing many evils through power and greed. Demoralizing people is the name of the game and dominance is the america stock market aol through which superiority has given rise to nikkei index market taking of lands, culture, and mass slavery of people and women by man for a long long time.

Those that use psychiatry in the name of these virtues are only using a tool such as a weapon that was meant to assist people and help them through their journey. Unfortunately there will always be those that take advantage in the name of money or power.

People do not have to purchase everything through the markets, they can barter, they can offer personal support to one another, and if the environment was less hostile such as previously mentioned discriminations and exclusion then we would have day trading dual monitors more harmonious society free from the many worries of having little future or being a less than because they are poor, disabled, fat, or what have you.

If everyone custom stock for springfield m1a ok, then we would not sell not only billions of pills, we would not sell make up, high heels, exercise memberships, firming creams, surgical cosmetic procedures, the newest hottest cars, it is all about dominance and superiority period.

Those early psychologists were white males compensating for their own inferiority complexes, and many got on that wagon. Any wagon that makes a man feel superior will be sought. The wagon is made of money and power, again the cause of these disgusting malpractices done as shown in the film.

However not all people have been assaulted in this way only because of psychiatry. There is much more to the problem than theories. Thoughts only go so far, it is how they are used, such as atomic power did not have to be used as a weapon, but leave it to man, and it will for his own desire for mass domination. People are the true ones with the power, the mass of those not in power positions are far larger than those restricting and regulating behavior across countries.

So what can we do? Wake up, stop making other feel badly, stop buying everything, start making things yourself, and learn to lean on your neighbor and a faith, even if your faith is in banks euro exchange rates itself. Keeping most of the population in between without activity is how the power is transmitted to stay at the very top military, elite, and political powers.

Just my feedback, one little person, a nobody, There are gazillions of us. Ultimately human kind has quite a ways to go to reach harmony. The criminal system is antiquated along with education, insurance, government, and yes the psychological community to name a few. The very notion of buying us stocks through td waterhouse illness should be redressed as mental healthiness and worked on from there.

We are not void emotions, or feelings those are the colors of our experience and should not be suppressed but celebrated along with our quarks. Psychology is based around behavior, scientific method which reduces any picture of emotionality because feelings cannot be observed as a physical process, nor can thought. So, yes we need to learn so much more about the brain, and thought, but it should not be at the cost of human suffering in any way.

The title quite properly should read:.

The Industrialized, New-Deal Age of Psychiatry | HuffPost

Pharmaceutical corporations ' feeding off of psychiatry ' s inability to provide physicalmeasurable definitions of and diagnostic testing for the mental ' disorders ' psychiatry votes into existence for the sole purpose of turning a Pharmaceutical - corporate quarterly net gain with no regard whatever for anyone or anything else: An Industry of Death.

All makes sense now. Explican teorias conductuales con el soundtrack de una pelicula de terror Yes, the "religion" in the USA that my friend Mike had to plot his escape from because he knew they wouldn't let him leave easily. They forced him to wear a dunce cap and isolated him from his friends and family.

Finally, he was able to escape. Please educate yourself on the nature of the Scientology, the views of its detractors, and the harm it has done to so many people's lives. Watch options silver etf BBC Panorama documentaries Are those on here Vlatko? Although I can understand the idea that we are an over- drugged society, and there are many things wrongs with constantly medicating yourself, I do not believe that Scientology has writing jobs from home in thane right to hijack the Holocaust for its own agenda.

I truly believe that birth control and abortion can save the world. Unfortunately, these things cannot be forced like they are in China, instead I opt for the education prize money wimbledon 2016 wiki women as a way for them to view themselves as a variety of persons, not just "mothers".

I instead opt for the very successful example of Brazil, which has reduced its fertility rate immensely in the past fifty years through cultural means.

As a 27 year old woman with no plans of having children, when people fast make money paypal loan me why I will not have children, I say "because too many people have had too many kids".

Firstly whos to say whos controlled remember Globally speaking Money talks? If it was somehow enforced Globally and all thought was the same and all culture was the same which it is not birth rates would drop, when would it be time to stop it?

So you would have to have some sort of Global Policestate to make sure countries were doing there bit Population control comes naturally when people are living comfortable lives. For a woman living in poverty, pregnancies are a lot more likely to abort naturally; she and her infants are more likely not to survive birth, and her surviving children are more likely not to live into adulthood. Just look at population statistics. The thing about population control is that it is how to earn money fast for 13 year olds to control a natural process.

Our bodies are only here to procreate the species, after all--we are just the organism through which our DNA propagates itself. Religious beliefs are irrelevant here; I'm just looking at the biological process. No matter how man tries to control the process, it simply twists and turns, and slips out of bounds.

This documentary for me illustrated the idea that the diagnosis of mental illness itself is subjective,with the possibility of there being no such thing as mental illness in the first place.

Being anxious in a certain situation may not be best 5 digit forex brokers disorder but just normal behaviour instead that has been isolated inorder to mass produce medication that will make profits for large corporations. Medications helped save me. I was suicidal, homicidal, and now I'm not, thanks to medications and being admitted into a psychiatric hospital.

A big thanks to the many psychiatrist and therapists who helped me. That said, i can tell just by the discription up above that this so-called "doc" is clearly a religiously bias piece-of-garbage. As a former Scientologist, I can attest that the number one reason the org exists is to make money. No doubt about it at all. But how many other churches exist for the same reason? Now I am not a doctor, and for all I know psychiatry may really be as serious as depicted here, but this "documentary" is borderline propaganda.

Poorly made and value of the australian stock market tasteless. I always preferred their method on when someone is going insane: Lock best way to make cash in runescape f2p in Fort Harrison Hotel for 2 weeks, dehydrate them, charge them thousands to force-feed them audio tapes.

Then, when they finally succumb to this horrible maltreatment, drive 45 minutes and pass 2 hospitals in order to get how to make money psychiatry to a hospital with Scientology staff. OMG, as a patient with mental illness, the stock market crash during great depression has completely sickened me, german mauser stock buy k98 should be in the 'conspiracy' section.

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Every member of the mental health profession I have come across, want me to become well, and strive to do this, with different theropies and not just medication and most definately not electric shock theropy what a load of propoganda tish tosh!!!!! Not even ironically entertaining, and certainly not informative. Psychiatrists are not all that bad,but the system is horrible. By the way, to those people who blame this documentary for being tastelessif you have ever visited a mental hospital, you won't find anything tasteful in there.

I suggest watching a few more. Second, I have been a victim of this system. Once you've been thru it more than once, then u will see a binary option trading channel u did not know was there. The way people r treated once they can put a label on you bipolar, etc is horrific. You do not give people, willy nilly, large amounts of poison fluoride comes to mind on a whim to control fictitous diseases of the mind.

Do you understand the word 'pseudoscience'? Research this more fully and see for yourself friends. I didn't watch the entire documentary but many of the claims here are true whether we choose to believe it or not. I can give you a personal example: A year ago I went to the doctor and said that I was having trouble sleeping. Without any tests or in-depth questioning he prescribed Ambien. He started to write a prescription for a mild form of the drug but then scratched it and wrote a prescription for the strongest dose that he could prescribe.

I began making strange phone calls to people and not making any sense as I babbled on the phone; I fell through a glass table, cut myself up pretty badly, cleaned forex candlestick magic easyshare glass up before finally going to bed and didn't even remember a SINGLE THING about the entire event.

I only knew it happened because my hands and arms were cut from the glass and their were plastic bags full of glass with a vacuum cleaner sitting next to the bags. I'm lucky it wasn't worse.

Needless to say, I never took it again. As how to be good forex trader turns out, all I really needed was to stop working on work related stuff several hours prior to bed and begin preparing for bed earlier dimming lights, turn of TV, relaxing.

So I can believe that there are many, MANY others who have been prescribed drugs unnecessarily and are suffering from side effects far worse than the symptoms they were having originally. The vast majority of German Christians supported the Nazis. Why didn't the author of this article list gays and blacks? This documentary is completely biased. Yes maybe some of this stuff did happen in past history and some still goes impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market in india today, nifty futures options trading to say most psychiatrists are rapists along with endless list of other things is an utter load of crap!

It is a piece that is intended to be critical of Psychiatry why would you expect it to be unbiased? First the film doesn't say that most psychiatrists are rapists where did you get that? But without a doubt the practice of psychiatry has caused more physical, sexual and mental abuse of patients than all the other medical disciplines combined. The thrust of the film is the brutal abuses of the past via absurd techniques and the aggressive big business forex workshop singapore of psychology via the biochemical approach Psychoactive drugs in the present day.

Psychiatry is anything but an exact science, in fact it is not a science at all it is more akin to a belief system. How can a machine be repaired by a repairman that doesn't know how the machine functions? The brain is a hyper complex machine and each one is unique hence every individual see's and reacts to the world and external stimulation in a different way.

The fractal nature of the universe and the unique set of external stimuli we are exposed to is what gives us our individuality. By altering the physical brain with chemicals, electricity,or surgery some individuality and brain functions are annihilated. All of those techniques have unintended and a wide range unpredictable negative effects on the victims. I'm sorry, using powerful psychoactive drugs, electroshock therapy and lobotomies to create passive and manageable automatons is simply not what I would call beneficial for mankind.

The one bright spot in the game is Cognitive psychology. Because that is a non destructive data entry jobs from home thane of internal mental processes, the study of how people perceive, remember, think, speak, and solve problems it is a science because the scientific method is used.

It involves experiments that can be duplicated and leads to theories based on a large mass of quantifiable data. On the fatwa mui tentang trading forex pdf hand Psychiatry is unscientific because it is based on the unproven theories of a small number of individuals. There are many more docs on this subject that are done by non scientologists.

The majority I've seen are actually done by psychiatrists and medical doctors themselves, along with a host of other real scientist. Psychiatrists will tell you exactly the same thing that was in this doc.

While the historical parts may be true, and there have been those affected negatively by psychiatrists, to say that psychology and psychiatric treatment is wrong or evil or racist is complete nonsense.

The positives must outweigh the negatives in all ways, and from the beginning until the mid 20th century that is the way it always was--until there stopped being negative consequences and psychologists and psychiatrists as a whole looked only at mbfx system forex factory beneficial ways to help individuals that's not to say some psychiatrists are not sponsored by pharmaceutical companies and are indeed prescribing things that are at times not needed, but what branch of anything in this world is not corrupt in some form?

This in the end is religious propaganda. Psychology takes hold of problems and solves them without the help of a "deity" or the blind faith required in order to lean on religion which actually causes more confusion, more distress, and then even more problems than in the beginning.

If you don't trust one professional, go to another. Check every professional of every area you see and make sure you agree with their methods. You'll find that most psychologists wish to help individuals, that most have no ties to corruption, and that most have far better understanding of human nature than any religion bound whacko out there--let alone anyone. It's religion that actually causes the majority of the world's problems--from giving people a pass on evil acts to the justification of condemning everyone from a homosexual to a prostitute to those who have abortions.

It justifies murder, disgraceful acts at funerals, hides true health problems, creates hate, fantasy, and causes people to become even more psychotic. A Nobel Prize winner said that in a perfect non-religious world the good would do only good things and only the evil would do evil thing. Only in a world with religion will you have a good man doing evil things. The understatement of the year. It's true that we now have a huge problem with psychiatrists -- they have opted out of psychotherapy in favor of meds, meds and more meds.

That's just too tempting for today's new breed of callously unethical psychiatrists. Instead they help people develop skills needed to solve problems. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a pill that can solve a problem or help you develop a necessary skill. However, this film, overall, is pathetic nonsense spouted by people who are long on their opinionated, grossly uneducated, misinformed, deluded beliefs, and exceedingly short on facts and genuine evidence.

I've seen a few informative and useful documentaries here on Top docs, but also many which are propaganda, misinformation, and pure seething hateful deluded manure. An Industry of Death, for the most part, falls into the category of spectacularly stupid, deluded misinformation. Take everything bad in the world and call it psychiatry. Next, claim that Psychiatry is bad. This is guilt by association.

Murder, delusion, torture, misinformation, corruption Francis Galton was not a psychiatrist. Negative eugenics, forced sterilization came later on and had nothing to do with Francis Galton. Negative Eugenics is a byproduct of human weakness and the stupid belief that our gene pool was becoming tainted. There are plenty of crazy bastards willing to legitimize their own agenda by calling it anything people can accept. If dave evans forex call it Religion or Science or "Green" then it can slip right by our bullshit detector.

I've read The Bell Curve. It's not a book about psychiatry. It does state that there are differences between groups. In linguistic and mathematical intelligence, lifespan, physical ability and so on. These are interesting facts that really have no baring on the individual and the reason is because the dispersion within groups is far more significant. In other words, skin colour or heritage are a poor predictor for anything because they are very small factors. The fear with these conclusions is that people are so willing to misapply them.

You should have stopped thinking after your first comment. You were making sense, now you sound like what you claim "people" who made this doc. This film sounds more like an emotional outlet for those who've been through conditioning, as opposed to an actual examination of psychiatric techniques to alter behavior.

Wtf, why does the info on this doco say "promoting Fascism, racism and atheism". Unlike fascism and racism being an atheist is it possible to make money with google adsense the best way not a bad thing. This film offers a huge amount of crap on a silver plate, decorated with dramatic effects. Can you realistically make money in forex market film is an unfortunate misrepresentation of historic fact and gross manipulation of information.

Is the mental health system flawed? Yes, just as many other social systems are flawed. Mental health professionals dedicated to their patients are working relentlessly to correct the system, often times with poor financial support because mental health funds are always placed on the chopping block when it comes time to make state and federal budgets.

Many of the procedures and experiments presented in the film are now understood to be unethical eugenics, sterilization, Millgram's study or many of the behavioral psychology studies which would never make it past a review board today or are used sparingly or as a final resort ECT. The film chooses not to mention the evolution of psychiatric and psycholocal standards of ethical practice because doing so would kill the illusion of mental health professionals as mad psuedo-scientists out to control the masses.

Working with the human mind is an impercise science, to be sure, and there has been some unfortunate backlash from psychological research. An epidemic of over-diagnosis and excessive use of medication can be interpretted as part of this backlash.

You earn money on millsberry com does not mean the public should disregard the positive diagnoses and the many lives that have been improved by treatment. Severe mental illness may not be "curable" just as cancer or AIDS may not by curable, but helping individuals who struggle with mental illness improve their lives through symptom managament impact of macroeconomic variables on stock market in india a goal worth striving for, not condeming as corruption, manipulation, or mind control.

Political protestors and a myriad of similar are seen as a mental illness. To say this film is total rubish is very naive or self serving. Poorly done and overtly dramatic yes, but to dismiss ALL subject matter? Also just FYI Adolf Hitler was a serious self proclaimed Roman Catholic whose self described intended duty as a christian, was to rid the world of jews. Isn't the central claim of Scientology that human beings are all mentally dysfunctional?

Scientology's first step, its indoctrinating initiation of self-auditing with the so-called e-meter, is an alternate and hence competing solution for this very problem. So Scientology is actually in direct competition for the same market as psychiatryonly they have a completely different therapeutic system Any organization calling itself any form of health care that targets children with mind destroying drugs is hardly fit to exist.

Watched the film, it is quite ridiculous. Hah, everything in society can be broken down to find corruption and whatnot. But that does not make it entirely bad. I'm sure psychiatry has helped people, no matter how "real" or "fake" of a science it is. But it's not perfect, then again, what is? Religion is an explanation and one is free to pick whatever "explanation" they please. Even science is an explanation, just a more solidly supported one. Who bothered to make this documentary?

Anybody can take everything bad that has ever happened and blame it on something else. Why don't we blame the color red? Supposedly it is a "passionate" color, very "sexy? Now all violence with sexual-basis can be blamed on the color red. Let it be known. The color red is destroying our society. Note my sarcasm, somebody might take it too seriously!

It's competition for the cult's quackery and ludicrous claims about mental health. When Hubbard tried to get his quackery and ludicrious claims about mental health published back before he started the cult he was rejected, no doubt with echoes of laughter ringing in his ears. Hubbard went on to write a piece of "scripture" for his new "religion" which was part of the whole Xenu, galactic emperor ranting, which stated that psychiatrists are infact the vanguard of an alien invasion force, the marcabian fleet who intend to rule this galaxy.

In short, scientology has to stop psychiatry because it shows that dianetics is a scam, laughed at their leader and is run by evil space aliens. Contains those stupid unneccessary thunderclap and explosion noises you keep getting in American documentaries. I am a professional and have three friends, all ex shrinks.

They hate psychiatry too and no - we are not Scientologists. Psychiatric drugs almost killed me. They never seem to warn of the withdrawal reactions from there non-addictive 'beginner drugs' the anti-depressants. Also when I got 'manic' from antidepressantsmania I didnt have before, I was labelled BIPOLAR and stared on more drugs.

The withdrawal reactions from these bipolar drugs cause insomnia and mania. The withdrawal reactions were then used as proof that I needed them. Stay away from psychiatry. That first visit, Psych- label and drug can ruin years of your life also.

It's not a documentary, it's an infomercial Even if it was for Psychiatry, I'd still think it poor. How do I know, your name is a dead give away. OSA are frakishly predictable. This isn't a documentary, it's holocaust revisionism and scientology propaganda. But then what do you expect from a cult that lies to it's own members about the core beliefs, lies to everyone about it's medical claims, lies to everyone about it's membership.

A cult which staks and harasses anyone who questions or leaves. Which pins false bomb-threats on reporters. A cult of greed that extorts money from people then abandons them when they've become so addled, broken and poor, thanks to the brainswashing and extortion, that they can no longer pay. Scientology's highest levels, the OT levels, state that psychiatrists are the vanguard of a hostile invasion fleet from another galaxy, called the Marcabians. They also state that the image of Jesus, and therefor christianity, is an implant put into people's brains by Galactic Warlard Xenu.

Xenu brainwashed and programmed the souls of aliens he murdered by freezing them, lining them up around volcanoes on Earth 75 million years ago, then exploding them with Atomic weapons. Haha just reading the description of the film and the comments on this alleged doc I can tell it is a ludicrous waste of time.

Though I do hate when people say that scientology is just a cult, when really it is a newborn religion, and people have not yet adapted to the crazy it spews. Scary to think one day they might, just as they have with all the others. Look at the roman catholics, the shite they have pulled off lately and in the past, and look at their retained wealth and corrupt influence. Yeck, people are strange. A bit "American" but other than that full of reliable information and surprisingly acknowledged participants.

If only it was a bit shorter and less dramatic for the audience with no base knowledge and patience to confront with the truth it is so comprehensively showing. I guess for most there is only learning on their own skin. I recommend them some Prozac. All religions all Mythology refers to you "Have You died to your animal Nature and been reborn an incarnation"? Jews are the main drivers of the psychobabble called Psychiatry that has actually taken a foothold in modern society.

It is nothing more than a license to drain people of their money by stretching their dubious therapy treatments into as many sessions as their wallet or insurance allows. You have to understand that if the Jews are involved to the extent that they are then the main motivation is money.

If you want honest and cheap advice for your problems talk to someone that can give you the best free advice possible. If all the other crap didn't completely lose you, the stuff on Pavlov should be a giant sign to anyone who knows anything about psychology that these people don't have their facts straight He was a physician studying digestion and happened to notice the behaviour of the dogs he was studying and thought it was interesting.

Also all this crap about mental illness isn't really illness, someone explain how anorexia isn't an illness? Both can and will kill the sufferer if there's no treatment! Not necessarily medication, I'm personally a fan of CBT myself, because that worked wonders for me, plus studies have shown it treats most disorders better than drugs.

I want to congradulate these 'phsychiatrysts' because they found a way to take money from idiots. Keep up the good job!

These Scientology loons can produce all the hysterical nonsense propaganda they want, but the fact is psychiatry has saved and improved the lives of countless people including myself and those I care about. The information imparted though?

Was like a breath of fresh air after nearly drowning. Sure this is a blamefest and colored journalism at its worse. And i think theres a lot of hater idiots here who have something against scientology when just they're idiots with absolutely no concept of what theyre debating. Sure, scientology sucks, but psychiatry is the worst known affliction in mankind's history and thats far, far, far worse than some nutty cult. And that fact has absolutely nothing to do with scientology. Since he had been Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry at the State University of New York Health Science Center in Syracuse, New York!

This was a real doctor with credentials, with the publics interest at heart. Not some nut like you blue meanies are trying to paint him, or malign him for imparting a wake up call. Here is a quote of his:. And that to me was a very worthwhile cause; it's still a very worthwhile cause. I no more believe in their religion or their beliefs than I believe in the beliefs of any other religion. I am an atheist, I don't believe in Christianity, in Judaism, in Islam, in Buddhism and I don't believe in Scientology.

I have nothing to do with Scientology. Need to rethink your statements. Its a red herring argument that has nothing to do with the content of this documentary that is trying to save millions of peoples lives. That is truly despicable and I despise you for it. This documentary is necessary, important, and should be shown for free, forever. Its already saved lives? And it will save more. Those hating on it? Enjoy being a blind pig, wallow in your hatred of some nutty cult moar, and completely miss the point?

I'll leave you with my own opinion, which im sure noone wants! Dont bother to read further if you dont like alarmist statements. A human's mind is JUST as fragile as a sexual organ. It can be touched in bad ways and yes, you can be mind raped.

Or soul-raped, if you believe in such a thing. I'll make it simple for you haters to quote me: They are murderers too and they have centuries of rape, murder, and pillage to account to the public for. We fight foreign wars over economic concerns while the psychiatrists bill the state billions.

This is possibly the worst problem in the world YES its up there with aids, nuclear proliferation, poverty and famine, psychiatrists literally are the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse, if you should happen to believe in such christian drivel The documentary repeatedly drilled 3 main facts and i will repeat them here so that they arent missed. And YES these are scientifically proved facts. You cant "cure" mental "problems" with drugs. These so called "doctors" of death murder and robbery?

They have maybe the worst profession in the history of mankind besides evangelistworse than tyrants and war barons even: This is because they offer false hope to the masses and in return they give back lobotomies, shock and insulin therapy, mind prisons, rape, and worse of all, death.

Put every last one of them to trial by their peers using greed as the MO to prove to the jury their direct intent to harm and deceive the public en masse? And mankind will experience a new golden age. The last bit of valid criticism i witnessed here today, that i wish to adress? The assertion that this documentary only blames the problem on a group; it doesnt offer solutions? Theres your solution, i just stated it: Maligning this doctor who was trying to save us all?

Its like talking smack about Abe Lincoln, or Jonas Saulk. What we have here? Is a misunderstanding of nomenclature. Has only harmed you. If a therapist helped you? You are discrediting their legitimate profession. If a psychiatrist "helped" you? You're in denial so bad that you are defending your mind rapist to the public. Classic special victim behavior. If this is the case? I'm very, very, sorry and the first step is to confront what happened to you.

If thats what you received and it helped you and countless others? Than so be it. But i can guarantee psychiatry did nothing but harm to you. It applied a label to you, catalogued you, drugged you up and charged you upwards of a dollars an hour just so they could pad their pockets through their connection in the pharma industry. If someone listened to your problems and you achieved closure? Then therapy helped you, not psychiatry.

If someone just drugged you up for a perceived "chemical balance? Even if they don't realize what theyre doing is wrong. There's a theory that 'psychiatric diseases' like depression and schizophrenia aren't diseases because they're not diagnosed on the basis of any kind of biological abnormality, but purely on symptoms - unlike 'real' diseases like cancer and AIDS.

Its a fine distinction really, but you can see where the argument comes from very clearly. You cannot prescribe drugs with any sort of accuracy for mental "disorders," hence the attitude you will see sometimes of the concept that "mental illness" is a misnomer phrase from a previous era that has nothing to do with reality today. You just plain can't be sick in the head, at least not in a way that can be cured by any chemical. Look im an atheist too and i hate all the god drivel just as much as you?

But your attitude is WAY more close minded than any christian ive ever met. If you get scared off by the word god that fracking easily? You are about as simple minded as the people you are attempting to malign. The use of the word god or someones concept of life affirmation? Is not a reason to go running for the hills. It scares me to think of how much valuable information you are pointedly choosing to ignore because of the loose usage of a mythical 3 letter word.

The only reason they put that at the beginning? Was because they know it provokes people like you into either leaving immediately and remaining ignorant of the danger and subsequently falling prey to what they're trying to warn you about? Or it cheaply establishes rapport with Christians right off the bat. Trust me its best to ignore their dogma its pretty standard.

Just cuz they use the word god doesnt invalidate the knowledge they are trying to supply to you. Can't be falling for their little tricks like that, its how they got that nutty cult in the first place. Should give this doc another try? Might save your life one day. Psychiatrists do way way way more harm than christians. For fracks sake, you are cynical. How's that working out for you? If you think 99 percent of the human population is mindless cattle?

You are the dumb blind cow imo. The sort of mass generalizations and tossing of fantasy percentages you are making are almost always the exclusive providence of ignorant morons. Some inane random percentage figure of all humans know that.

The majority of humans being dumb sheeple? You are using a mental device known as projection and it is bad for you. My guess is that at least half the human race is as smart or more intelligent than you and you might be afraid to admit that. You must call them all dumb in your mind or you are forced to accept the reality that humans ARE smart and at least half of us can do stuff like build complex machines, computers, do trigonometry, guide missiles by satellite, create and populate the internet and successfully deceive yourself, like you.

But thats what it is, a fantasy. The reality check will be painful too, especially if you respect "The man". Damn the man, the more you trust and hope for his success? The easier it is for him to dominate you. Thats right, RESPECT and THANK your master and bid him to keep up the good job supressing your "herd", tool.

This was created by a NON scientologist doctor trying to help people. Yes, it was produced by a committee that receives funding from scientologists. But the man who made it? Was as far from a scientologist as you can get. So you can go on spouting gibberish about some fantasy you have about some perceived connection to scientology, thereby maligning a good doctor with a good reputation who is now dead and cant defend himself?

Or you can research the connection like I did and discover that the only connection is funding. If we judged product by who produced it? We'd have to denounce stuff like the first Star Wars movies as utter crap, just because it was paid for by scientologists. Where the money comes from to make a product, such as a doumentary? Has absolutely nothing to do with the subject content and i posit that you know it, too.

You missed the point, and your condemnation, while good natured? Belongs in the commentary on an anti Scientologist documentary, not here. Not sure what documentary you watched, but this was a documentary directed by an atheist doctor who was trying to inform the public of a huge blatant corrupt faction of psychiatrists that hide in plain site. Yes theres mention of god in the first few seconds and a scientologist committee DID pay for it, but it doesnt make the info any less true.

You see the fallacy in your argument? That if scientologists made it, it must just be bad and full of lies. One last time, absolutely NOTHING to do with scientology, other than they are the only ones actively trying to enlighten us about this particular issue. I fricking HATE scientology dont besmirch this awesome documentary by mentioning them in the same sentence. I liked your post and i think you made some really really good points?

Except the one about how you are sure that psychiatry has helped people. They are awesome doctors who help people; psychiatrists are dirty scummy drug dealer thieves In fact, Id go so far to say if you examined every patient that has ever engaged in sessions with a psychiatrist ever, since the dawn of whatever you would call, it, the "profession" i guess? Because it sure isnt science.

I think youd find that there has never ever ever been a case where where you could definatevely prove theyve helped someone legitimately achieve closure. I know how extreme that sounds, every single case in the history of psychiatry being harmful? But thats what i believe. I personally think that its a profession for murderer mindrapists and theyre incapable of actually helping other humans, and have not done so even once in their entire history.

Here was a pseudo"science" profession borne from men such as Josef Mengile, and Hitler. Psychology, therapy, psychoanalysis, neurology? These are real scientific medical professions steeped in prestige and tradition, doctors who dont violate the hyppocratic oath?

Psychiatrists in your own city break that oath every single day by doing stuff like black bag abductions of children using an illegal immoral device such as non voluntary commitment. They really are like the sith compared to the jedi. My theory is that theyve always been purely sith and have done nothing but harm and to help would be against the nature of the false art they practice. And im dead serious too this is a big deal and they make billions doing it, thats their motive as well as their downfall.

Where theres greed there paper trials and with paper trials? We could prosecute every last corrupt one of them and ban the profession. They hit their target too. I know a lot about both and putting psychology and psychiatry in the same sentence? A dictionary is a good place to start. Psychiatrists are physicians that have specific training in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illnesses.

In order to become a psychiatrist, students first earn an undergraduate degree before they attend medical school and receive an M. After finishing their medical training, they also complete an additional four years of residency training in mental health. Some also receive additional training in a specific area of interest such as geriatric psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, addictions, and other areas.

Psychologists receive graduate training in psychology and pursue either a Ph. Doctor of Philosophy or Psy. Doctor of Psychology in clinical or counseling psychology. Doctorate programs typically take five to seven years to complete and most states require an additional one or two year long internship in order to gain licensure. Other states require an additional year or two of supervised practice before granting full licensure. My main point being?

Psychiatrists are doctors who besmirch the profession by breaking the hyppocrattic oath all the time. Why this is important to make the distinction? Psychiatrists view mental disorders as mental "Illness" and they think they can fix a "chemical imbalnce" in the brain using drugs. Scientists have been able to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt for centuries now that you cannot fix mental problems with chemicals.

Thus, making psychiatrists snake oil medicine charmers, charlatans, liars, rapists, murderers, thieves, quacks. They dont operate by science they operate off assumptions and guesses about a frontier we barely know anything about: And once theyve discovered trhough trial and error destorying peoples minds and bodies that the cure theyre supplying is fatal and doesnt work? They keep on using it for decades until the public has to outcry and bring the supreme court in.

And they burn children and peoples brains out to do it. Mental "illness" cannot be "cured" by medicinal means. Once we understand this and stop chasing something we could never catch?

Then we can get back on the road to success, begin the healing process, and attain closure. Ignorance is bliss huh? Just pretend the bad men arent raping our children's minds and bodies, and hope it goes away. Or not be "around" anymore. Its ok, its an easy to mistake the different "professions" psychiatry as opposed to psychology, neuropathy, or therapy? But the two have absolutely nothing in common. Psychology, psychoanalysis, and therapy saves lives- Psychiatry takes it away.

With an icepick, to your brain.

For seeing things clearly. It scared me when i realized most of the people here thought this was about scientology Most of these peeps are like blah blah Scientology" I was like, what documentary were you watching????! This is about murder, rape, mind rape, and the biggest conspiracy in human history. Theyre so lazy they dont bother to hide and the doctor patient priveledge is so sacrsesanct that they use it like church holy ground to conceal stuff like rape,murder, and human experimentation.

Its like being a well paid legit criminal. These are criminals that are destroying us from the inside wholesale and getting paid billions to do it and all these stupid people can think of to do is complain about Scientology, We could openly prosecute all of guilty ones too, and ban the profession forever like we did with slavery and the world would be such a better place!

Save our greatest resources, Our children, and our minds. Save us from dark side sith rapists who use the misnomer mental illness to blackbag abduct us and throw us in alaskan mental health facilty concentration camps.

Shrink Rap: Why Psychiatry is a Wonderful Medical Specialty

The phrase mental illness just pisses me off royally so bad!!! Thanks for being one of the few that actually got what this documentary was trying to show us. The main thing you are missing? Psychiatrists can make all the positive diagnosis they want and do all the treatment they want, theres no such thing as a medicinal "cure" for a mental disease. Theyve been barking up the wrong tree for hundreds of years plus they know it and dont care, nothing they do is scientific and most true scientists if they were aware of this mess ; ; would immediately call for their expulsion from the community.

They promise false hope to the masses and as such they should be condemned for the nazi doctor pseudoscientists that they are, prosecuted for the billions of dollars of corrruption they all engage in each year, and banned before history repeats itself and some crazy nazi dictator tries to abuse psychiatry again.

Im sympathetic to your point that most of them are probably just trying to help? But the road to disaster is paved with good intentions.

The best way they could help would be to stop You mess with peoples minds on a mass scale like they do? Prescribe inneffectual "mental health" drugs to patients you cant monitor closely, and break the hypocrattic oath by engaging in involuntary commitment?

And you destroy people wholesale, you are evil and need to be stopped. Diagnosis is something best left to neuropathists, therapists, and psychologists imo. The only thing psychiatrists are doing when they diagnose is marking the map on a brain they intend to conquerwith drugs that dont work.

Or they are analyzing you for a label they can attach to you so society knows you have a problem and treats you differently so you are more depressed and subbsequently need more therapy. Theyve never succeeded once, not one of them, in fixing a single mental issue with the art of psychiatry. If they did it was NOT through drugs, it was through talking. Its a useless art form that kills people, and needs to be abolished.

Also, psychologists report to a mental health board legitimately, and are held accountable by the public. Hence the almost christian priest-like statistic in psychiatry of rape and child molestation. They can do whatever they want behind closed doors, the documentary talks about this very clearly and they are never messed with by the police and they dont report to the government, they just take the governments money.

Remember the story about the guy who drove around the country and performed lobotomies in the back of his little "loboti-bus"? Thats pretty typical and i bet you could do that just as easily as a psychiatrist today? These are rogue agents basically and need to be treated as such; they do what they want and because the public mistakenly thinks they are practicing science, and think they know what theyre doing when they prescribe drugs for the brain?

They get a free pass as a doctor, They get a license to kill. Rationalizing psychiatry is very akin to trying to rationalize slavery. Slavesellers, slave drivers, and slave owners are bad people, and so are psychiatrists. We could only benefit from their prohibition. If there was never another case of psychiatry or slavery? The world would be a better place. If the psychiatrists are worried about losing the profession they love? Just take away their medical degree and set them off as therapists.

Keeping psychiatry around just ensures a future of death, rape, and robbery for mankind. Loved hearing your story, eff the corporation that messed with ya, im so so sorry and i shed tears too. Im sorry you ran afoul of a brain damage artisan, I promise I will do everything i can do to make the public aware.

Perhaps one day we could prosecute them all for their fraud and their murder and brain destruction No drug has ever benefitted the brain in regards to a some perceived mental "deviance" or "problem;" The public needs to know this before they send more of our children into the meat grinder. Keep your head up and keep talking in therapy. No drugs besides organics and well be okay: Evening Epic, I'm wondering if you ever get curious about people on here.

Do you ever find yourself analysing them? If you have the mind to, go read a dictionary or an encyclopedia about psychiatry? Science will have nothing to do with it. Science HAS nothing to do with it. Also, while you are in the dictionary? Go look up the difference between psychologist and psychiatrist. You telling me to take a psychology class when psychology has LITTLE to nothing to do with psychiatry besides diagnosis? Betrays your complete ignorance of this issue. Also telling people how to live their lives on the internet?

Ineffectual and pointless and snarky and rude and I must admit it did offend me. Id never do that to you, notice i didn't. Id back up everything i said if i had the time, sorry. A lot of what you disputed about what i said? It can be confirmed easily in a dictionary. It is you that needs to learn the basics im afraid T You have exhibited nothing but personal make-believe nonsense about the topic you are discussing.

Also you are bungling nomenclature. I dont mean that as harsh as it sounded; but it is true. The scientific method has no place in psychiatric practice. They don't even use it to diagnose. SO never tell me its a science, its just a completely false statement intended to keep the wool over the publics eyes.

Is more like a pulp fiction novel than a profession even. Brain drugs dont work, never have. Shock therapy doesnt work, never has. Yet we do 70 billion dollars in brain drug business with big pharma every year. Ask any psychiatrist; they will do 1 of two things, lie and say you have a chemical imbalance which needs to be treated with chemicals blatant hogwash or be honest and say the brain is the last frontier and we barely know anything about it or its chemistry and the drugs "seem" to help.

The reality is much colder; they hurt. PS Your first sentence? Sounds directly like a threat almost. Please don't sic the thought police on me! I have no wish for people to remain sick? I recommend therapy to people all the time in my line of work, because therapists, councilors, psychologists, neuropathists?

ALL scientific professions that don't violate the Hyppocrattic oath. However, Id DIE before id recommend a psychiatrist charlatan to anyone. Its like wishing death, drug addiction, and mind control on someone. I won't accept that sort of karma. A psychologist can do this as not all of them take the oath?

But a psychiatrist cannot do this without breaking the oath. As a psychologist you should know this I will pass my life and practice my art. Except for the prudent correction of an imminent danger, I will neither treat any patient nor carry out any research on any human being without the valid informed consent of the subject or the appropriate legal protector thereof, understanding that research must have as its purpose the furtherance of the health of that individual.

Now, im not saying every single psychiatrist has involuntary commitment in their playbook, probably a lot of them would never ever do it? It does in fact violate the oath. But the fact that it is the premise of psychiatry?

Totally besmirches the profession even worse than all the killing and raping and human experimentation. I lost any possibility of respect for psychiatry when i learned this. Doctors who force you to do things?

Don't deserve a license. I cannot prove by myself at the moment; that we know close to 0 about the human brain still, and prescribing drugs for mental issues is incredibly stupid and dangerous in my opinion, its like handing a lit stick of dynamite to a child or something, because you think explosions fix a skinned knee?

This is an apt analogy of psychiatry's overall attitude concerning pharmaceuticals. I intend to prove it before I die though, I have some friends struggling in a somewhat new area of study? This argument is crucial to their success, that brain drugs are bad, mmkay? This is a hot button issue, people will be passionate about stuff like this. Just had a desire for open discussion, but ill stop sorry. You spout this ignorant drivel thats dangerous with absolutely no care for the damage you might do.

That disgusts me way worse. Your personality is incredibly hard to appreciate and I am done trying. It surprises me not one bit that you hang out with psychiatrists and are willing to defend them. If you were a legitimate member of society with a real point of view anything at all instead of just an angry person? You wouldnt leave inane trolly statements intended to start flame wars.

You have the mentality of a little child whos scared to bite the hand that feeds, and you act like one too. Have a nice life hanging out with psychiatrists I hope you trust and work with them REAL close. Only way you will ever learn. And i wouldn't wish that on my worse enemy.

You are rationalizing non-consential black bag abductions like its OK! Like its alright for anyone in the system to engage in that, especially doctors no less! Blackbag non consensual involuntary commital? Just because you don't like someone's behavior? You are dangerous and scary you'd fit in just fine with the gestapo and the kgb. There is other much much much less dangerous alternatives.

What you are proposing is exactly what we have today? And what we have today SUCKS. Theyre trying to build a prison fit for every type of abhorrent behavior and your just hunky-dorry with that? I'll tell you right now, I am NOT. How brave new world soilent green Orwellian can you get? Are you AWARE of how nazi stormtrooper dark side that sounds? Flip it around in your head a bit. You are dangerous and your rationalizations about manufactured consent scare me.

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